21st IMISCOE Annual Conference – ‘Migration as a Social Construction: A Reflexive Turn’: “Brexit Couples: UK-EU Couples and Experiential Migrantisation in the UK Spouse/Partner Immigration Regime” (K. Charsley, N. Hoellerer), Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology of ISCTE (CIES-ISCTE), University Institute of Lisbon.
Migrantisation Workshop, organised by K. Charsley, University of Bristol
European Migrants in the UK in the Brexit Era – Discursive Approaches Symposium: “Migrantisation and exceptionalism narratives of UK-EU couples” (N. Hoellerer, K. Charsley), University of Liverpool
Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference (J. El-Shewy), University of Portsmouth
Routes Network Workshop – ‘Exploiting mobility: governments, law and the instrumentalisation of movement’: “Instrumentalising love: Marriage migration requirements as a regime of (im)mobility in the UK” (N. Hoellerer, K. Charsley, J. El-Shewy), University of Exeter
Conference: ‘Strange(r) Families – ‘Political contestation over family and nation in migration regimes’: “Invisible Families: Who counts in the European Court of Human Rights migration jurisprudence?’ (H.Wray), University of Amsterdam
‘Deportability and the family’ Seminar,Migration Institute of Finland (Turku): “Kept Apart: temporality, migrantisation and family separation in the UK family immigration system” (K. Charsley)
20th IMISCOE Annual Conference: “UK-EU couples after Brexit: Migrantization and the UK family immigration regime” (N. Hoellerer), University of Warsaw
British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2023: “Kept Apart: couples separated by the UK family immigration regime” (K. Charsley), University of Manchester